SysBasics WooCommerce Customize My account Pro
WooCommerce Customize My account Pro plugin allows you to Customize your default my account pages. Reorder them , hide existing core endpoints. You will also be able to change the default endpoint. While our WooCommerce Customize My account Pro plugin also allows you to add new endpoints , create endpoint group and reorder them as per your requires. Also our WooCommerce Customize My account Pro plugin allows you to edit the endpoint key to make it compatible with third party plugin endpoints. It automatically detect third party endpoints added outside our plugin and sync it with other endpoints in the plugin.
SysBasics WooCommerce Customize My account Pro Sticky Sidebar
Optionally enable sticky sidebar that can be either on right side or left side , It will make make content full width plus it is a mobile friendly and collapsable.
Make Your Dashboard Look Pretty
Upon Activation plugin adds nicely looking dashboard links and avatar upload feature to your my account navigation. Check our live demo to see the feature. Optionally you can disable it any time from settings page.
Main Features of SysBasics WooCommerce Customize My account Pro plugin
- Add new endpoints in the My Account page, visible to your users , and choose what the content will be using third party shortcodes. You can use third party
subscription , royalty , coupons , wallet related shortcodes. - Create Specific endpoints , links , groups into my account page that are visible only specific roles or users;
- Choose and customize the layout of the My Account page so to make it more usable and modern;
- Hide/show existing endpoitns without using any extra code.
- Add icons to your existings my account page endpoints. Optionally you can display them as dashboard links and most importantly show them inside
My account widget. - Compatible with WPML and WPML sticky links.
- Have Unlimited Number of Endpounts and Groups.
- Manage Download Culumns. Modify existing download columns and add/edit new download columns
- Manage Download Actions.Modify existing download columns and add/edit new download columns
Make WooCommerce My Account Endpoints Ajax Powered
- Using simple option you can make Entire my account endpoints content loaded via Ajax, This could improve end user feel about your site. It does work with custom groups and custom endpoints. Simply visit the settings tab and set yes for Enable Ajax navigation option and you will see smoother loading experience on frontend.Ajax navigation even works with dashboard links and internal my account page links like Edit shipping address and Edit billing address links.
Modify WooCommerce Download Columns
- You can modify existing download columns , rename them , reorder them , Add new custom columns where you can show custom fields values to customer.
Modify WooCommerce Download Actions
- You can modify existing download Actions, rename them , reorder them , Add new custom Actions where you can send your users to another link with parameter like track your order , cancel order , contact support like scenarios.
Modify the default WooCommerce endpoints
- This is the most important feature of this plugin just after activation using checkboxes you exclude/include/rename existing endpoints. set icons to existing and new endpoint/links. Plugin support three types of library as of now for icons. Font Awesome, Dashicons and you can also upload your own icon.
Plugin also seamlessly integrates itself with third party endpoints. It recognises the existing endpoint. Best part is that you can even reorder/rename that
third party endpoint. In certain cases if you want this plugin to take over third party endpoint, just hide the existing third party endpoint by unchecking
the checkbox then create new endpoint with same slug and it will work fine. For example you have Rewards Endpoint that are sourced from any other plugin which has revwards slud. in that case if you want full control as other endpoints just hide existing endpoint and add new endpoint with rewards slug and it will just work fine.
Make your Dashboard Pretty with Dashboard links
- Plugin upon activation ads dashboard links or you may call it banner to your dashboard page. Most importantly you can manage the order of those dashboard links and you can also exclude certain endpoints from being included in dashboard links. Certain themes do have this feature inbuilt , in those case we
have provided you option to disable this feature completely. It works on most possible scenarios with wider theme compatibility.
My Account navigation widget menu
- Plugin has inbuilt my account navigation widget menu feature where you can include existing endpoint links and display them into any menu of your site. Plugin also support navigation widget under appearance/menu field.
Allow WooCommerce users to change avatar
- Pugin by default upon activation displays nice gravtar on my account page where optionally you can allow them to change the avatar by uploading png/jpg file. you can even adjust the dimension of avatar for users.
Redirect default dashboard to endpoint
- Using simple option you can replace default page from dashboard to orders , downloads or something else. you can even create custom endpoint and send users there upon login. This feature is useful specially if you don’t like the default dashboard. Using elementor you can create clone template of dashboard or other endpoint and replace that with new cloned template.
Modify My Account Fields as well as collect required data from user
- You should be able to hide the core fields like change password , email , display name , first name and last name on My Account page plus you can add new custom fields with tons of options, plugin supports 15 type of widely used custom fields , Optionally you can display dashboard notice unless user enters required information.
15 type of field support for Account fields
Override endpoints using elementor
- This plugin is even charm with free plugin elementor where you can create cloned template of existing endpoints and replace existing endpoints with cloned endpoints usind elementor’s drag and drop feature.
ACF forms in WooCommerce My Account
- Using third party plugin Frontend Admin by DynamiApps You can create dynamic forms within your woocommerce my account page. possible use case scenario like having profile edit form inside endpoint, guest posting form , recipe submission form etc. Possibilities are endless with this
SysBasics WooCommerce Customize My account Pro Changelog
For changelog visit SysBasics WooCommerce Customize My account Pro Changelog