Hide fields on WooCommerce My Account page

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This article belongs to our plugin : WooCommerce Easy Checkout Field Editor

Hide fields on WooCommerce My Account page

WooCommerce does not allow changes to core address fields on my account page. so with our plugin you can hide the fields on chekcout page but it will not work on My Account page.

But there’s a easy way to hide any field on my account page using css.

If you want to hide billing company name field you can hide it with this extra css

.woocommerce-MyAccount-content p#billing_company_field {

  display: none !important;


Same way if you want to hide billing_city field use code

.woocommerce-MyAccount-content p#billing_city_field{ 
  display: none !important; 

For any other field you just need to replace id of that field with billing_city_field.

Put this into your theme’s customize additionl;css section.
